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Wireless and Mobile Computing Security Education -- A SAFE
This collaborative project between University of Michigan-Dearborn and Alabama A&M University will help address the shortage of
highly-skilled Cybersecurity professionals by bringing research results on pervasive and mobile computing security into education and integrating them into existing Cybersecurity
Although the research community is making progress towards effective solutions in mitigating security and privacy threats in pervasive computing,
it still needs to find its way to university courses across the nation, especially, in the undergraduate curriculum. With increasingly sophisticated attacks on mobile systems and devices,
it is critical to bring research results on pervasive and mobile security into education to prepare the future Cybersecurity workforce. With a goal to fill this gap, the project defines the
following objectives: enhancing security education through curriculum development; engaging students through hands-on lab development; improving undergraduate research capabilities through
research project design; and building faculty capacity through hands-on workshops.
This project is partially supported by
the NSF.
![NSF Logo](./NSF-logo.gif)
Lectures |
Chapter |
Lecture Topic |
Key Word |
Slide Download |
1 | Overview of Computer Security | Access Control, Cryptographic | lecture1.pdf |
2 | Introduction to Wireless Networks and Its Security | Wireless Communication, Wireless Network | lecture2.pdf |
3 | The Security of Existing Wireless Networks | Cellular Networks, WiFi LANs, Bluetooth | lecture3.pdf |
4 | RFID Security and Privacy | RFID system, Security and Privacy | lecture4.pdf |
5 | Vehicular Network Security | VANET Applications, Security and Privacy Requirements | lecture5.pdf |
6 | Automobile Computer Security | Threat Models, Vulnerability Analysis | lecture6.pdf |
7 | Platoon Security | Communication Attack, Collision Attack, String Stability | lecture7.pdf |
8 | Pervasive Computing Security: Secure Pairing | Motivation, Device Pairing Schemes | lecture8.pdf |
9 | Smartphone Security and Privacy | Android Security Model, Privilege Delegation Attack | lecture9.pdf |
10 | Wireless Sensor Network Security | Introduction, Key establishment | lecture10.pdf |
11 | Secure Routing in Multi-hop Wireless Networks | Ad Hoc Network Routing Protocols, Attack on Routing | lecture11.pdf |
12 | Physical Security | Physical Protection and Attacks, Authentication | lecture12.pdf |
Labs |
Chapter |
Lab Topic |
Slide Download |
1 | Reverse Engineering of Automotive CAN Networks | lab1.docx |
2 | Denial of Service Attack on Automotive CAN Networks | lab2.docx |
3 | Vehicle Platoon Security | lab3.docx |
4 | SSL Implantation Vulnerability | lab4.docx |
5 | WebView Attack | lab5.docx |
6 | Mobile Computing and Security | lab6.docx |
Publications |
Y. Fu and D. Ma, "Applying Mobile and Pervasive Computing Security Projects in CS Courses", The 11th International Conference on Foundations of Computer Science (FCS'15), July 27~30, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA [PDF]
Y. Fu and D. Ma, "Mobile Computing and Security Laboratory Development with Flip Teaching", The 123rd Annual American Society of Engineering Education Conference Exposition, June 26-29, 2016, New Orleans, LA, USA [PDF]